I can't believe how awesome my students are doing with this new behavior system in place. They have truly taken ownership of their choices and I have seen some serious changes. One of my students who used to be on yellow and red almost everyday has changed things around and now gets on pink and silver almost everyday. I actually saw him make a mistake and take responsibility (which he never used to do either) and then walk back to his desk and immediately get down to work quietly so that he could move back up the ladder. He was self motivated to make a change without any talk from me. It honestly made me want to scream for joy in the middle of my room.
My kids have started choosing the behavior coupon where they can get a recognition award. I tried to find cool ones online that were free (on that no money budget we teachers are familiar with) In the end I just made them up myself. Below are the links to a boy version and a girl version. Hope they are useful to you all!
Boys Rock Girls Rock