To start the week out we made sure to do the first parts of the KWL. I find that I don't do the L side simply because there just isn't time and the kids are showing that they are learning things throughout the week. Here is the chart that we made.
Straight from Write from the Beginning and Pintrest we did our Penguins have, can and are tree map and them we transitioned it into the book. I made a tree map for the kids to work on while we were doing the class one. This way when their big buddies came to help them with the books they had their own tree map to draw from.
For the tree map worksheet click here
For the book template click here
We also tried to link penguins into math. I wanted to just review some skills and make sure that my students were getting the information we had been working on.
We did a coin sort (click here to get it) The kids had to cut out and glue the heads and tails side of their coins to the correct igloo.
We also did a shape sheet. (click here to get it) We did this two different ways. The kids finger painted so we could count how many points each of the shapes had and then slide to see how many sides they had. We also made the shapes with play dough. One of our assessments ask the kids to make the shapes on their own. I want to give them as much practice as possible.
Hope that you get a chance to use these!